The Adventures of Bob

Bob at a Motel

Why is Bob at a motel? The reasons are doubtless to dull to investigate.

The Adventures of Bob

Buck’s Audition

Buck does this at least three times a year.Buck does this at least three times a year.

The Adventures of Bob

Buck’s Investment

If you have money in spatulas, it is nearly time to sell.

The Adventures of Bob

People Like Buck

Buck would like more shallow people, please.

The Adventures of Bob

Eraser Gnomes

This explains much.

The Adventures of Bob

Just Passing (Page 2 of 2)

Oddly, Harriet's cynicism sometimes resembles humility.

The Adventures of Bob

Just Passing (Page 1 of 2)

Page 2 is coming tomorrow evening.

Who were those people?

Bob is walking really awkwardly in panel one. I decided it would be more amusing not to redraw it.

The Adventures of Bob

The Mysterious Triumph of the Radio Guy

Sometimes even NPR is like this.

The Adventures of Bob

The Avatar Aliens Visit Earth

Everything looks exotic to somebody.

The Adventures of Bob

Bob Spills Some Water

Such an exciting life Bob leads.

The Adventures of Bob

New Wood

Where do they come from?

I’ve gone back to hand lettering. Is it legible? Too small?

The Adventures of Bob

The Small Mysteries are the Weirdest

Where do they come from?

I go back and forth on whether I should use my own lettering for these, or a font. Hand lettering looks more like part of the drawing, but compared to my lettering a font is more legible.

I’m probably going to continue updating on a once-a-week schedule this month, but I hope to be more productive as Spring wears on.

The Adventures of Bob

A Literal Ferris Wheel (Page Two of Two)

Malik has mysterious beatnik knowledge.

The Adventures of Bob

A Literal Ferris Wheel (Page One of Two)

The New York Times gives Bob headaches.

There’s a punch line coming, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for page two.

The Adventures of Bob

Eaten by Life

Bob's life is being eaten up by his life.

The Adventures of Bob

Sentenced to February

Sentenced to February.

This is how I’ve been feeling all month.

The Adventures of Bob

Munchausen’s Syndrome

Buck gets the wrong idea. Again.

The Adventures of Bob

New Journalism

Buck has deep thoughts. Deep for Buck, anyway.

The Adventures of Bob

Buck vs. Antioxidants

Another great business plan from Buck.

The Adventures of Bob

Bob on Twitter

Bob doesn't get new media.

The Adventures of Bob

Buck Delivers Another Baffling Evaluation

Anymore Buck just casually picks the lock on Bob's house and walks in.

The Adventures of Bob

Galileo’s Finger

The museum in Bob's town has good connections.

Someone actually did find Galileo’s fingers, though I don’t know whether any of them are the middle one.

The Adventures of Bob

The Old Guy in the Supermarket

Frozen cranberries! The ticket to distributed immortality!

The Adventures of Bob

A Heartwarming New Thanksgiving Tradition

This is the second rerun.

Economic collapse? What economic collapse?

The Adventures of Bob

The Meaning of Thanksgiving, According to Buck

In order to give myself a little more time around the holiday, the next two strips will be reruns of last year’s Thanksgiving strips.

The meaning of Thanksgiving, according to Buck...

The Adventures of Bob

Permission to Suck

Just don't show it to anyone until it's done.Just don't show it to anyone until it's done.

The Adventures of Bob

Avenue Street

Avenue Street. Where the average people live.

The Adventures of Bob


Real compassion is different from fake compassion in that Buck isn't interested in it at all.

The Adventures of Bob


A what?

The Adventures of Bob

Bob’s Beet

Bob has a beet.

The Adventures of Bob

Bob’s Beat

Bob has a beat.

The Adventures of Bob

Not a Special Day

July 8, 2009.

The Adventures of Bob

Rotate Your Envelope Stock

I have seen this mysterious directive on boxes. I am unsure of its significance.

The Adventures of Bob

The Anti-Moral of the Story

Finally, it's all over.

Finally, the agricultural commissioner storyline is over. It’s ridiculous that it took me six months to finish this 22-page story. I’ll try to do better in future; in the meantime, you can expect a period of single-page or single-panel comics.

The Adventures of Bob

Beatnik Aftermath

It took Malik thirty seconds to come up with the name of his new business. He probably should have spent more time on it.

The Adventures of Bob

Almost Everybody Goes Home

According to his permanent record, Farmer Al has problems with listening.

The Adventures of Bob

Pete’s Downfall

Editor guy would be less mad if Pete were taller.
The last panel is the most obscure reference I’ve ever made. I’m nearly the only one reading this comic, so I can do that sort of thing.

The Adventures of Bob

Now it’s a Surprise Party!


The Adventures of Bob

Bob Returns Home

It's not Bronze Age Greece, so he can't just kill everybody.

The Adventures of Bob

That was quite a pause for a chase scene.

I’m finally, finally back on track with the comics. I wish page 16 was worth the wait. When this thing is over, I’m going to stick with one-pagers for a while.

Here we go again.